Hey Oruba,
Basic cable reality shows ain't the only place where porn stars are popping up. Check out Taylor Wane on Wipeout. I bet most everyone who saw this don't know who she is:
A quick google of the name she gave, Joanna Dutremble, will reveal an adult performer who also goes by the name, Taylor Wane.
My own personal recollection of my formative years watching porn reveals only a passing interest in the woman. She, being just another in the sea of blondes, I, already focusing my attention to brunettes like Jeanna Fine. I might have watched a movie or two of Ms. Wane. I'm not really sure.
She has returned, or maybe she never left. I dunno. I do know that I've been watching her recent scenes and have been especially drawn to her. She has aged nicely into a quality Milf. Her dick sucking technique is above par. It is a pleasure to watch her work.
I admit -- I should to be used to this by now but it's a bit surreal to see her on network TV.
And this show? I would like to believe the argument that porn is verboten because it degrades people, but then I ask what is the excuse for allowing shows like this? I tell you, if I ever saw my (hypothetical)daughter on Wipeout, I would (hypothetically)disown her.